Monday, January 6, 2020

Alexander The Great The Greatest Leader Essay - 2119 Words

Alexander the Great: The Great Commander How great was Alexander the Great? Even though he had a short reign, dying at the age of 32, Alexander of Macedonia accomplished a lot for his beloved people, truly earning the title of â€Å"The Great†. Seizing the throne at the age of 19, after his father died, Alexander quickly won over the army within days allowing him to conquer more than he ever dreamed of. He was known as one of the most successful military commanders in ancient history, conquering most of the well-known world before his death. He was able to quickly take over not only the city states within Greece but also southwest Asia and Babylon. Historians considered Alexander as one of the history’s best leaders for many reasons, principals among which were his most well-known accomplishments were his reformation of Greek society, his rapid establishment of an e1mpire, and his leadership of a powerful military. Alexander’s future success as a military commander can be attributed to the military and educational training he received as the son of Macedonia King Phillip II. When Alexander the Great came into power he quickly built an empire and military strong enough for praise from his fellow civilians. He came into power effortlessly due to his father’s sudden passing, that many believed was planned by Alexander himself, making him become king at a primary age. After his father passing, he ended up conquering tremendous amount of land in a short amount of time due to hisShow MoreRelatedAlexander The Great Was The Greatest War Leader, Genius, And Ruler Essay1767 Words   |  8 PagesThroughout history, Alexander III of Macedon, commonly referred to as Alexander the Great throughout history, has been thought of by many to be an enlightened thinker, multiculturalist, an ambitious, egotistical tyrant, and conqueror through evidence recorded, and passed along through generations. 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